Sunday, April 27, 2008


As you may have noticed, no updates of this blog for a month. Main reason is that, bad luck strikes again. My car is stuck ant Sabotaitis racing, because of change of their working premises, so it was a bit lost in all the moving of stuff. Now it's in small garage with one guy working on it. That cost me another two weeks :cry: ...

However, I have continued to do some small things at the garage. Updates - ADZ after rebuild (nice and dry):ADZ box was rebuilt, however it has 20v input shaft, which is smaller (14.5mm if I remind correctly), and bearing in my AAN crank is 18mm. That is not big problem, however it's quite PITA to get old bearing out of crank, and it costs time. Did a quick search around and found AOB box. This thing is almost the same as AOB, but with thicker input shaft (and lucky for me it was reason to drop the price ;)). AOB (messy messy):