Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some news, some pictures :)

If you are watching this space - you may have noticed, that there are no updates for last few month's. Actually I'm still busy with my human carrier, work, personal life, etc. However there's some progress. I just was too lazy to write those small things here ;).

First, at the end of September, while it was dry and shiny (and the last day for the "summer" insurance), went for a spin, with G-Meter attached. Clutch slipped badly, but after few runs, I've managed to get this 0-60 time:Not bad for my heavy underpowered coupe with destroyed clutch...

Maybe the shiny logo was the reason? Here is the satisfied smile after a run (oil on pavement is not from it ;))
Note that the blue samco in a picture was replaced by exactly the same looking, but different shape and measurements one. Now it sits more in a place, and I don't need piece of black hose any more. That was last blown hose at the track. Hope it will be the last ever ;).

And of course old/new flywheel and clutch (not in a picture, it just standard remanufactured SACHS disk, and LUK pressure plate). Happy revving awaits :)~
Thing looks little dirty, but it is in good condition. Decided no to go ebay 6 puck way, because got light flywheel and remanufactured SACHS dirty cheap. Let's hope it will hold my harsh clutch engagement.

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