Monday, February 11, 2008

Uninstalling windows

Main task this weekend was to remove all windows (requirement for adding roll-cage). Because I'm with expierence of cracking windshield (2 ones in the past) - support for the winshield needed to be designed. After some of material searching in local hardware shop I came up with this:It proved to be bad design, because due to funky windshield profile - suction cups were unable to grip correctly. After some head scratching and searching local hardware shop - some weird design was created. It looks strange - but works just fine. I have managed to lift windshield without cracking it (later).So, asked some friend to help, and started to pull windows out. Side windows first, back window at last. After few hours pulling rope, and soaking everything with WD40 - we were done :). Tired, but all windows intact (some scratches on sealing rubber, but minor ones):Rare ocasion to look at the car from the inside and outside same time:After taking last side window, it became obvious, that few bubles of rust - like always were only top of the iceberg. Pictures are not very clear, but tell the story:
No penetrating rust, so after cleaning paint and putty - things looked like not so bad, not so good - will need few weekends to sort this out, but in summer, when it's warm and dry enough to work with paint:
And the winshield was pulled out with single screwdriver (came suprisingly easy), because it was replaced in summer, so the sealing grease was still greasing the rubber, and no 20 year old dust and glue in between glass and body.

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